Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 13

97.6 miles / 4:26 hours / 22.1 mph avg / 2376' climbing

Breakfast: 1.5 waffles, oatmeal, 1 egg, 2 hot chocolates, orange juice.
Snack: 2 bananas with nutella, 1/2 apple, 2 oreos.
Lunch 1: ham+turkey+cheese+tomato+spinach sandwich, 2 bananas with nutella, 2 oreos, coke.
Lunch 2: club house sandwich, coke.
Dinner: chicken soup, chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans, oreo shake, banana split.

Today was another flat and windy day. The wind was quite strong and half the time was coming sideways from our left which makes it hard because you feel pushed into the traffic all the time.

Long roads...

More stinky feed lots...

The occasional house on the road (this is the last one on a caravan of three)...
I took the photo while biking; some would say that was a dumb idea, but we already passed the City of Dumas, TX so I didn't care.

More Christian Radio stations (this one offers massages if you convert)...

More snack stops in the middle of nowhere while being blown by the wind...

I have to admit that I was tempted to stop at the local Mel's Diner instead. So close yet so far away from home (for those of you who don't know it, we have a few Mel's Diners in SF)...

And finally Oklahoma...

When arriving at Elk City we were greeted by the Route 66 Museum that was sadly closed, otherwise I may have spent a couple of hours assimilating some culture...

Dinner was at the usual Denny's. I'm getting to know the menu by now...
(Reem, Brian, Pear, Michael, Russ, Scott and Dick)

At dinner, Russ remarked that I am the one who eats the most. Maybe I should watch it, however I weighted myself tonight and I my weight has not changed so I'll keep eating like there is no tomorrow. Lucky me!

Tonight we sleep at another nondescript Ramada hotel. It serves its purpose: hot shower, clean bed, food. We are really down to basics by now. Tomorrow is a long day and the day after is the longest one so we are praying that the wind blows from the West. At this point is seems unlikely so we are just hoping that our butts will hold.


  1. Okla-by-God-Homa! You have done an amazing job, Nico. I continue to watch, spellbound, exploring your route with "streetview." More greenery and scenery ahead.
